Helping Horses Helping People

An Organization Dedicated to the Rescue of Horses and Enhancing the Lives of the People Who Come in Contact with Them.

Helping Horses Helping People

An Organization Dedicated to the Rescue of Horses


Every day, poor horses in their prime are starved to death, abused, neglected, or sent to slaughter and sold for meat. With those alarming scenarios at the forefront of our minds, our crew at Angels Haven Horse Rescue unites to make a positive impact in the lives of horses and save them from suffering.

See a recent interview here.

Our Mission

We aim to save as many unfortunate victims of the horse world as we humanly can. In some instances, we have to purchase the horses to remove them from harm’s way. To that end, we provide care for abused, abandoned, neglected, aged, and unwanted horses or those horses that can no longer be cared for by their owners for whatever reason. We accept them in any condition and do everything in our power to provide needed care and veterinary services.

Who We Are

Angels Haven Horse Rescue is a 100% volunteer-based horse rescue organization based in Grafton, Ohio. We provide assistance for individuals who know an abused horse. Our team works with other organizations in finding a good and loving home for the horse.


What We Do

At all times, we keep the identity of a person who reported an abuse anonymous. We will also never judge the owner because our energy is spent on helping every horse rather than dwelling on anger to cruelty. Our organization exists to make the lives of abused and neglected horses better and if we can change the life of an abused horse by educating the owner or rescuing the horse, our mission will be met.

Educating the Public

We want to be a hub of education in humane horse care, training methods, alternative therapies, as well as rehabilitation and rescue. The only way to stop the suffering is to teach people better ways of caring for horses. We aim to be a place for horses to become healthy and move on to have permanent loving homes. 

Check out our video!


How You Can Help

To raise awareness on the proper treatment of horses, we partner with various groups such as the following:

  • Positive Education Program
  • Girl and Boy Scouts
  • 4-H Clubs
  • Indian Guides and Princesses
  • Local Disaster Teams
  • Kiwanis International
  • Farm Bureaus
  • Horseman’s Councils
  • Youth Outdoors
  • Community Affiliations

We will be glad to teach and work with your group by providing your members with a better understanding of these fine animals. Please call us to set up an event for your organization.


Donate and Make a Difference

You may send donations to help our cause to:
Angels Haven Horse Rescue
13297 Durkee Road
Grafton, Ohio 44044